Understanding Proper Cleaning Processes

After struggling for months to take care of my messy home, I realized that I had been doing things wrong my entire life. I would often find myself going through different cleaning tasks over and over again, when they could have been done once the right way. However, after studying cleaning and working hard to create a better home, I could tell that things were starting to improve. This blog is all about understanding cleaning services and getting the job done the right way the first time. Check it out to make your home a more comfortable, luxurious place in less time than you think.

Mistakes To Avoid When Keeping Your Wool Carpet Clean

14 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently moved into a home with wool carpet, you may be a little uncertain as to how to keep it clean without harming its appearance or fibers. If so, make sure you avoid the following mistakes while trying to keep your wool carpet clean. Setting the Vacuum Cleaner's Height Too Low One of the key ways you can keep your wool carpet clean and looking lustrous is to vacuum it regularly. Read More …

What To Ask Your Commercial Cleaning Company About

18 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you own or manage a commercial property, then it's your responsibility to ensure that every building gets cleaned at least once a week. However, it may be nice to have them cleaned at the end of each and every day. If you are in the market for a new commercial cleaning company to help you get the job done, then this article is for you. To ensure that you get the ultimate commercial cleaning experience, this article will list a few different things to ask them about. Read More …

Floor Cleaning Basics: What To Think About Before Choosing A Cleaning Product

25 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to keeping your floors clean, there are a lot of options for cleaning solutions. Unfortunately, many of them have chemicals in them that you might not want to use in your home or office building. It can be difficult to know what is acceptable to use on your floors and what might cause damage or leave an unsightly film behind. Before you jump to buying or making the first cleaning solution you come across, here are some tips to help you avoid a floor-cleaning disaster: Read More …

3 Reasons To Hire A Window Cleaning Service For Your Office

4 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Do you own an office building? If so, you likely have your hands full just keeping the building looking neat and professional on a daily basis. That said, one way you could make life a little bit easier would be to hire a professional window cleaning company to help you keep your office looking great. Here are three benefits that a window cleaning service can provide for your business. 1. Create a Great First Impression Read More …

Two Big Reasons Why You Should Ask Your Janitorial Service To Use Fragrance-Free Products

30 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Cleaning products with scents are very common, with companies banking on the fact that many people like the scent of clean linen or lavender fields. However, if you're negotiating with janitorial services right now, you need to ask about using fragrance-free cleaning products. This is about more than just being "green;" it's about helping your workers feel better. Fragrance Allergies Can Begin At Any Time Fragrance allergies and multiple chemical sensitivity are frustrating conditions that are never really the same for any two people. Read More …